72 błędy w Wiedźmin 3 poprawione! Jak grać, to tylko po instalacji tego moda
Wiedźmin 3 otrzymał wielki zestaw poprawek, który eliminuje aż 72 błędy obecne w grze. Autor paczki zajął się istotnymi problemami produkcji.
Dziki Gon może i jest jedną z najczęściej nagradzanych gier w historii, ale miał też swoje problemy. Dzięki moderom jak chociażby PaulR0013, niektóre błędy doczekają się popremierowych napraw. Tego konkretnego twórcę możecie kojarzyć chociażby z tego moda, a teraz postanowił opublikować pełny zestaw swoich autorskich poprawek.
Aby zainstalować PaulR0013’s Complete Bug Fix Collection musicie tylko pobrać launcher Vortex z Nexus Mods i zainstalować pliki przez rzeczony program. Modyfikację znajdziecie w tym miejscu.
Lista poprawek, które zyskał Wiedźmin 3 dzięki PaulR0013
- 1) Bell Pepper icon fix
- 2) „Berengar’s Blade” quest fix
- 3) Invisible note #1 in „Child of the Elder Blood” quest
- 4) Invisible note #2 in „Child of the Elder Blood” quest
- 5) Dead End Dialogue: Dandelion initiating „Cabaret” quest
- 6) Dead End Dialogue: Crach an Craite during „King’s Gambit” quest
- 7) Fixed being locked out of completing quest „Iron Maiden” if you already picked up the sword in free roam
- 8) Fixed the order of when the sword is removed from inventory during „Iron Maiden” quest to prevent being locked out if you fail to defeat Jutta the first time
- 9) Quirky placement issue #1: Novigrad Book Merchant
- 10) Quirky placement issue #2: Chameleon Innkeep
- 11) Quirky placement issue #3: Bram (White Orchard Merchant)
- 12) Quirky placement issue #4: Ermion (under big tree)
- 13) Quirky placement issue #5: Oxenfurt Blacksmith
- 14) Quirky placement issue #6: Hattori
- 15) Quirky placement issue #7: Novigrad Fish Market Blacksmith
- 16) Quirky placement issue #8: Elsa (White Orchard Innkeep)
- 17) Quirky placement issue #9: Seven Cats Innkeep
- 18) Quirky placement issue #10: Cunny of the Goose Innkeep
- 19) Quirky placement issue #11: Novigrad Square Herbalist
- 20) Quirky placement issue #12: Harviken Blacksmith
- 21) Quirky placement issue #13: Margarita Laux-Antille (while in Chameleon)
- 22) Quirky placement issue #14: Lindenvale General Store Merchant
- 23) Quirky placement issue #15: Cripple Kate’s Madame
- 24) Quirky placement issue #16: Lindenvale Innkeeper
- 25) „Mysterious Passenger” quest notification fix
- 26) Inventory Cleanup #1: Unsent letter in quest „Blood Ties”
- 27) Inventory Cleanup #2: Items not removed from inventory after quests „Ugly Baby” / „Va Fail, Elaine”
- 28) Inventory Cleanup #3: Lever not removed from inventory during quest „Great Escape”
- 29) Inventory Cleanup #4: Keys to Vigi’s cage not removed from inventory during quest „Lord of Undvik”
- 30) Dialogue Icon #1: Larvik/Fayrlund Blacksmith (Skellige) — missing Gwent icon
- 31) Dialogue Icon #2: Arinbjorn Innkeep (Skellige) — missing Gwent icon
- 32) Dialogue Icon #3: Svorlag Shopkeeper (Skellige) — missing Gwent icon
- 33) Dialogue Icon #4: Crematory Alchemist (Novigrad) — missing Gwent icon
- 34) Dialogue Icon #5: Casino Player 1 („Get Junior: Casino”) — missing exit icon, missing emphasis on option to play
- 35) Dialogue Icon #6: Casino Player 2 („Get Junior: Casino”) — missing Gwent icon, missing exit icon, removed emphasis on option to not play
- 36) Dialogue Icon #7: Casino Player 3 („Get Junior: Casino”) — removed emphasis on option to not play
- 37) Dialogue Icon #8: Bloody Baron („Gwent: Velen Players”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 38) Dialogue Icon #9: Hermit Seer („Gwent: Velen Players”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 39) Dialogue Icon #10: Crossroads Innkeep („Gwent: Playing Innkeeps”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 40) Dialogue Icon #11: Boat Builder („Gwent: Velen Players) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 41) Dialogue Icon #12: Thaler („Gwent: Old Pals”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 42) Dialogue Icon #13: Dijkstra („Gwent: Big City Players”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 43) Dialogue Icon #14: Zoltan („Gwent: Old Pals”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 44) Dialogue Icon #15: Stjepan („Gwent: Playing Innkeeps”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 45) Dialogue Icon #16: Olivier („Gwent: Playing Innkeeps”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 46) Dialogue Icon #17: Lambert („Gwent: Old Pals”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 47) Dialogue Icon #18: Vimme Vivaldi („Gwent: Big City Players”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 48) Dialogue Icon #19: Scoia’tael Trader („Gwent: Big City Players”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 49) Dialogue Icon #20: Vernon Roche („Gwent: Old Pals”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 50) Dialogue Icon #21: Marquis Serenity („Gwent: Big City Players”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 51) Dialogue Icon #22: Crach an Craite („Gwent: Skellige Style) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play, removed emphasis on option to not play
- 52) Dialogue Icon #23: Alchemist Gremist („Gwent: Skellige Style”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 53) Dialogue Icon #24: Madman Lugos („Gwent: Skellige Style”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play, removed emphasis on option to not play
- 54) Dialogue Icon #25: Ermion („Gwent: Skellige Style”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 55) Dialogue Icon #26: Sjusta („Gwent: Skellige Style”) — missing Gwent icon on dialogue option to play
- 56) Dialogue Icon #27: Hilbert (Gwent player during auction in HoS quest „Open Sesame!”) — missing exit icon
- 57) Dialogue Icon #28: shop_generic_merchant_nomansland_weapons (Velen) — missing exit icon
- 58) Dialogue Icon #29: shop_generic_merchant_novigrad_armor (Novigrad) — missing shop icon, missing exit icon
- 59) Dialogue Icon #30: shop_generic_merchant_novigrad_weapons (Novigrad) — missing shop icon, missing exit icon
- 60) Dialogue Icon #31: shop_generic_merchant_skellige_armor (Skellige) — missing exit icon
- 61) Dialogue Icon #32: shop_glinsk_general_store_01 (Velen) — missing exit icon
- 62) Dialogue Icon #33: shop_novigrad_rich_district_armorer_01 (Novigrad) — incorrectly using blacksmith icon instead of armorer icon
- 63) Dialogue Icon #34: Belles of Beauclair Courtesan 1 — incorrectly using emphasis line when asking for sex
- 64) Dialogue Icon #35: Belles of Beauclair Courtesan 2 — incorrectly using emphasis line when asking for sex
- 65) Dialogue Icon #36: Belles of Beauclair Courtesan 3 — incorrectly using emphasis line when asking for sex
- 66) Vespula fixed texture
- 67) Incorrect String Issue #1: Journal Entry for Quest „Crime and Punishment”
- 68) Incorrect String Issue #2: Zed’s Ledger in the Quest „A Dangerous Game”
- 69) „Out on Your Arse” quest fix to refuse reward
- 70) Shopping Issue #1: closing shop with Keira does not route back to dialogue menu
- 71) Shopping Issue #2: closing shop with White Orchard Innkeeper (during epilogue) does not route back to dialogue menu
- 72) Shopping Issue #3: closing shop with Arinbjorn Blacksmith does not route back to dialogue menu