Trofea w DOOM. Pełna lista wyciekła do sieci
Zobaczcie, co będzie można zdobyć w grze.
Serwis DualShockers opublikował listę trofeów, które trafią do najnowszej odsłony gry DOOM. Jest tam jedna Platyna, trochę Złotych oraz Srebrnych nagród.
Jak będziecie się przyglądać liście, pamiętajcie, że może ona zawierać nieco spoilerów.
- Thy Flesh Consumed: Earn all Trophies
- Shoot it Until it Dies: Defeat the Cyberdemon
- Outnumbered? No Problem: Defeat the Hell Guards
- Who’s Next?: Defeat the Spider Mastermind
- Knee-Deep in the Dead: Complete the campaign on ‘I’m Too Young to Die’, ‘Hurt Me Plenty’, ‘Ultra Violence’, or ‘Nightmare’.
- IDKFA: Earn the Masteries for all weapon mods
- IDDQD: Upgrade all Runes
- What Else Ya Got?: Complete all Mission Challenges
- Overclocked: Fully upgrade all Praetor Suit categories on a single campaign run.
- Up Close and Personal: Kill 50 enemies using the Chainsaw
- Hot Swapper: Acquire all weapon mods
- Every Nook and Cranny: Find all Collectibles
- Argent Fiend: Fully upgrade Health, Armor, and Ammo capacity on a single campaign run.
- Rip and Tear: Glory Kill all common enemy types in the campaign.
- Juicin’ it up: Kill 150 enemies while using Power Ups
- Thorough Shopper: Complete all Challenges for a single mission.
- The Circle is Complete: Earn all Runes
- Tinkering: Fully upgrade a Praetor Suit category.
- E1M1: Complete the first mission of the campaign
- Into the Unknown: Warp to Hell
- A Toe into Madness: Complete The UAC on Ultra-Nightmare
- Specialist: Earn the Mastery for a weapon mod
- Historian: Find all Data Logs
- Timing is Everything: Use explosive barrels to kill 100 enemies
- Argent Overload: Fully upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo capacity
- A Gift from Beyond: Earn a Rune
- Butcher: Perform 200 Glory Kills
- Momentum Shift: Upgrade a Rune
- IPXSETUP.EXE: Win a Multiplayer match
- Combat tested, Doomguy approved: Reach Level 5 in Multiplayer
- An Old Friend: Acquire the BFG
- Shareware: Create and publish a SnapMap
- No Rest for the Living: Play 5 published SnapMaps
- Entryway: Complete the SnapMap Basic and Advanced Tutorial